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Thursday, 30 January 2020

Blessed Are the Misfits: An Extremely One-Sided Review

“You know that feeling when God is right there, thisclose, and you can just feel His loving arms around you, and you can literally hear his voice whispering in your ear, telling you how much He loves you?
I don’t.
I never have.
Maybe you can relate. Maybe you can’t. Or maybe, if you’ve gotten the impression you’re too analytical, too logical, too introverted, too just plain weird, or too whatever for God, you’ll let me tell you a quick story.”
Brant Hansen, Blessed Are the Misfits (2017)

I’ll be straight with you: the one solitary goal of this post is to persuade you that you ought to read Blessed Are the Misfits by Brant Hansen. I have a copy if you’d like to borrow it. Otherwise, a copy of your own will be the best eight-pounds-seventy-five you ever spend on Hive.1
This is my copy. It has my name in the inside front cover, so you know you can’t get away with not giving it back.

I first read Blessed Are the Misfits back in June this year, and even then I thought it was the best so-called ‘Christian book’ I’d ever read. This slim little volume was the reassurance I’d been looking for ever since I was a teenager worrying that I wasn’t a real Christian because I’d never really ‘felt’ God’s presence. It was as if pieces of my own brain, my own soul, had fallen out onto the page somehow, and yet here they were being put forward by Mr. Hansen as his – as if they might belong to quite a lot of us, actually. The blurb on the back describes the book as “highly provocative”, but what it said didn’t strike me as provocative at all, just sort of blooming obvious, and yet seemingly never said by anyone else. It both profoundly comforted and unequivocally challenged me.

And so I gave the copy I’d been reading back to the dear friend and sister I’d nicked it from, made use of a book token I had kicking around to buy my own, recommended it to a few people, then stuck it on my bookshelf and left things at that. Until, that is, this weekend just gone, when I was Not In A Particularly Cheery Mood, basically because, by various means, some of which I can identify, I’d the lie creep back in to my internal monologue that how I felt about God had some bearing on how he felt about me. Now, in case you hadn’t noticed, tying God’s view of you – your objective worth – to your own ability to feel certain feelings, or do anything else, actually, is a remarkably reliable way to foster a Sense of General Failure and Worthlessness, so you know, if you’ve ever wanted one of those, you’re welcome for the pro tip. But who am I kidding, you’ve almost certainly already got one kicking around somewhere already, whatever size it might be and whether or not it’s seen much service lately; I’m pretty sure practically everyone has. (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

Anyway, rereading Blessed Are the Misfits pretty much demolished my own (admittedly fairly small and brittle) Sense of General Failure and Worthlessness to a basically unbothersome level within a few hours, so I felt strongly encouraged to extend that same opportunity to my lovely readers. I mean, obviously I can’t guarantee that any one of you guys will obtain the same kind of sweet, soothing relief coupled with genuine, stirring encouragement from the book that I did, but the points Mr. Hansen makes are so excellent and so broadly applicable that it’ll be worth your reading it anyway. And if you’re not persuaded merely by my having waxed lyrical about the book’s merits, I’ll now provide a chapter-by-chapter summary of his arguments, followed by some of the quotations from the book that raised the biggest grins from me. I don’t feel as if I’m particularly ‘spoiling’ anything, because it’s the way Mr. Hansen makes these points that makes them so compelling, but if you’re one of those people who’s sort of hypersensitive to having things spoiled for you, you might not want to read any further.

Chapter One: It’s Not Just You
If you feel as if you don’t ‘fit’ in the modern church, as if you don’t experience God’s presence in the way other people seem to, good news: Jesus is for you.

Chapter Two: Together, Yet Apart
The present age is the Church’s betrothal period. We are not supposed to be fully satisfied in our relationship with God yet, because it has yet to be consummated.

Chapter Three: Blessed Are My Fellow People on the Autism Spectrum (and Those Who Can Relate to Us)
Jesus’ approach to stuff is totally different from the world’s, which is pretty fab news for people who don’t really get the world’s approach.

Chapter Four: Blessed Are Those of Us Who Apparently Landed on the Wrong Planet
Humans make no sense, and human cultures make no sense. But God loves humans anyway, and came to live among them anyway. We’re called to do the same.

Chapter Five: Blessed Are the Unfeeling Faithful
Not hearing God’s voice audibly or experiencing his presence emotively is normal, not an indication that something is amiss in the relationship. More remarkable and desirable than either of these things is when he fosters obedience in us.

Chapter Six: Blessed Are the Unfeeling Faithful, Part 2: Real “Fruit”
How we deal with the people around us is a better indication of God’s work in our lives than how we feel.

Chapter Seven: Blessed Are the Introverted Evangelical Failures
Evangelism is not the Christian’s main duty. Building a Church where all its members, with all their various gifts, are united in love, is more important.

Chapter Eight: Blessed Are the People Who Can’t Pray Worth a Darn
Prayers don’t have to be long; the Lord’s Prayer isn’t. Praying briefly and inarticulately is good – way better than not praying. God actually wants us to pester him.

Chapter Nine: Blessed Are the People Who Just Read That Last Chapter but Still Have Some Questions
Prayer is action. God grants our prayers a role in his plans. You can’t really fail at praying except by not praying.

Chapter Ten: Blessed Are the Wounded
God is glorified in making something beautiful out of all the sucky stuff that’s happened to us; in healing us so we can help to heal others.

Chapter Eleven: Blessed Are Those Who Don’t Have Amazing Spiritual Stories
Inspiring testimonies and sermon illustrations do not accurately represent real life. Our stories are not yet resolved, because the resolution is yet to come.

Chapter Twelve: Blessed Are the Impostors
Constantly remind yourself that, however rubbish you might be at doing God stuff, you’re invited to be in his presence.

Chapter Thirteen: Blessed Are the Introverts Who Keep Trying
Dealing with other people is hard. We’re to love them anyway, because God does, and he changes us to make us able.

Chapter Fourteen: Blessed Are the Perpetual Strugglers
It’s easy to settle for the cheap imitation that is sin, because pursuing what’s real requires commitment, and results in struggle. But commitment brings true freedom, and the struggle is proof of God at work in us.

Chapter Fifteen: Blessed Are the People Who Do Church Anyway
Each of us really needs Christian community – to participate in it like family. Other Christians may be hard to deal with, but it’s a glorious thing when the family stays together anyway.

Chapter Sixteen: Blessed Are the Melancholy and the Depressed
It’s possible to be joyful even when depressed, because you can counter what your feelings tell you (often not true) with what God tells you (always true).

Chapter Seventeen: Blessed Are Those Who Don’t Take Themselves So Seriously
We can afford not to take everything so seriously, because we already know how it’s all going to end.

Chapter Eighteen: Blessed Are the Skeptics and Those Who Don’t Know Where Else to Go
Christianity is the most compelling worldview out there not only because it makes the best sense but also because it makes the best offer.

Chapter Nineteen: Blessed Are the Unnoticed
God doesn’t favour the sort of people we think he would; he favours the humble. We need less setting out to change the world and more doing little acts of obedience today.

Chapter Twenty: Blessed Are the Lonely
In the present age, it’s inevitable that we’ll feel more distant from God than we want to. But the wedding is coming, he is with us even now, and he has not forgotten us.

Chapter Twenty-One: Blessed Are the Misfit Royalty
Unlike the world, God elevates, even identifies with, the weak and the poor and the marginalised. We are to do the same. That’s our team. And it’s the winning team.

So there’s a summary for you. You’ve probably got a sense of some of the big recurring themes. Obedience trumps feelings; so does truth. Dissatisfaction and struggle in the present age is only to be expected.2 Loving one another is fundamental, all the more because people are hard to deal with. And above all, God loves the misfits. None of this, to my mind, is “highly provocative”; it’s no more than what the scriptures say. But Mr. Hansen manages to show incredibly incisively how modern church culture fails to reflect these principles, all while refraining from turning the thing into an irritated tirade of the sort I’m prone to going off on when the issue of modern church culture comes up in conversation. As I say, the book contains both massive reassurance at being loved and massive exhortation to love – which sounds a lot like the Bible, really, so that kind of tells you why it’s so good. But as a last bit of persuasion, and to give you a sense of the totally charming tone of the thing, here are a few little extracts that I think are particularly nicely put.

I wanted friends. I wanted their excitement about God too. They told me I needed to “plug in” to everything. All of it. I would need to square-dance with strangers, “share” in intimate small small groups, and go up to people I didn’t know on campus and tell them about my faith.
This sounded fantastic to me! … Except for the square dances with strangers, the sharing in intimate small groups, and also the part about going up to people I didn’t know on campus and telling them about my faith.

Imagine if Noah wrote a book: How to Get God to Speak to You Five Times over 950 Years.
In Genesis, we get Abraham going decades without God’s audible voice. Isaac apparently heard it twice in his lifetime. Rebekah? Once.

Maybe God is like one of those Food Network master chefs, on one of those shows where they give cooks some random, odd ingredients and then challenge them to make a gourmet meal out of them. (“Okay, here’s a halibut, a gourd, and a Hostess Ding Dong.3 Go.”)

Maybe this is why Jesus’ stories are metaphors. Maybe you noticed He rarely picked individual people and didn’t name anyone to make his point. He never said, “Let me tell you about that time that Andrew here was really awesome and helped an old lady across the street and…”
I suspect He refrained from doing that because He knows us so well. He knows we’d instantly start missing the point and worshiping The Perfect Andrew and reenacting The Holy Crossing of the Street in yearly festivals.

Jesus takes the idea that we should treat some as more important than others and He burns it down, salts the fields around it, dissolves the whole thing in acid, and then hits it with a hydrogen bomb … and then we decide to do it anyway.
For example: He says we shouldn’t use religious titles (Matt. 23:8-12). I’m but a simple man, so I don’t understand all the theological and cultural complexities. But apparently higher minds than mine have unpacked the nuance behind, “Don’t use religious titles,” and found that He meant, roughly, “Hey, you guys should totally use religious titles!”

Well, I couldn’t really agree with that last one more if I tried, so let’s leave things there – with a thank you to Brant Hansen for writing the book, and an even bigger thank you to God that the conclusions reached in the book are true. To all the misfits out there: welcome to the club. We might be a weird bunch – weird and annoying and incapable, with too many ongoing struggles and no great spiritual achievements under our belts – but I can tell you for certain, our God is truly spectacular.


2 I blogged to similar effect in ‘Blessed Dissatisfaction’ back in July. I probably owe more of my argument there than I even realised then to having read Blessed Are the Misfits.

3 Apparently a kind of small, round, snack chocolate cake, with a cream filling and a chocolate glaze (I had to look it up).

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